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3909 G Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94112
S.F. 415-334-6750 328 Lang Rd, Burlingame,
CA 94010-2003 Burlingame
650-348-2777 Fax:
We have been doing Masonry work in San Francisco since 1970. Our numerous projects comprise of brick, concrete and terrazzo stairs, patios,
brick veneers, retaining walls and concrete block walls. We are fully licensed, bonded and insured.
California Licenses B-1 and C-29 #449501. For Personal Service call Joe Diodati
Brick Patio Entry and Stairs |
Our Services Include: Brick, Terrazzo and Tile stairs. Brick and stone patios and driveways. Walkways Brick and stone veneers. Retaining walls. Concrete
block walls. Tuck pointing. Plastering Concrete steps on metal beams with metal railings. Plans and permits as needed.
A Typical San Francisco Stairs |
We provide FREE
ESTIMATES...give us a call or fill out the form on the Request an Estimate page.
We are proud members of the following
A+ Member of the Better Business Bureau

San Francisco Masonry, San Mateo Masonry, stairs, patios, blocks, brick, stone, steps, terrazzo, masonry,
driveways, retaining walls, CA